Sunday, October 12, 2008


Bosniakophobia is the prejudice against or hostility toward Bosniaks as a group. The prejudice or hostility is usually characterized by a combination of religious, racial, cultural and ethnic biases.

Bosniakophobia may be manifested in many ways, ranging from individual expressions of hatred and discrimination against individual Bosniaks to organized violent attacks by mobs or even state police or military attacks on entire Bosniak communities in the Balkans.
Extreme instances of Bosniakophobia include the wave of ethnic cleansing of the 1990s and a state-sponsored attempt to assimilate Bosniaks, change their culture, and remove all traces of their Bosnian language during former Socialist Yugoslavia.

One of the most notable manifestation of Bosniakophobia is the denial of 1995 Srebrenica Genocide in which Serb forces slaughtered over at least 8,372 Bosniaks in U.N. designated "safe" enclave of Srebrenica. Srebrenica genocide victims included men, children, and elderly.

Bosniakophobia, just like any other form of hate and prejudice, can be stopped by education and promotion of diversity. Besides, we are all human, no matter what race, religion, or nationality we are. Denationalization and eradication of radicalism, combined with education of young people to accept tolerance and treat other people as they would like to be treated would be the best way to proceed. Srebrenica genocide denial is just disgusting and it is direct result of hatred towards Bosniaks.


Bosniakophobia is a sentiment of hostility or hatred towards Bosniaks and the concept of multi-cultural and united Bosnia-Herzegovina in its present borders. Its use in the English language has been limited. Bosniakophobia is widespread in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Croatia.

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